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Studies on type material from Kützing's diatom collection III: Synedra splendens (Kütz.) Kütz., Synedra aequalis (Kütz.) Kütz. and a note on Synedra obtusa W.Sm.
Williams, D.M.; Van de Vijver, B. (2021). Studies on type material from Kützing's diatom collection III: Synedra splendens (Kütz.) Kütz., Synedra aequalis (Kütz.) Kütz. and a note on Synedra obtusa W.Sm. Fottea 21(2): 164-179. https://dx.doi.org/10.5507/fot.2021.004
In: Fottea. Czech Phycological Society: Praha. ISSN 1802-5439; e-ISSN 1805-4927
Peer reviewed article  

Beschikbaar in  Auteurs 
    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 380066 [ download pdf ]

    Ulnaria aequalis; Ulnaria obtusa; Ulnaria splendens
Author keywords
    Type material; Ulnaria splendens; Ulnaria aequalis; Ulnaria obtusa; SEM

Auteurs  Top 
  • Williams, D.M.
  • Van de Vijver, B.

    Examination of type material for Ulnaria splendens, Ulnaria aequalis and Ulnaria obtusa provides evidence to support each as a distinct and definable taxon. None can be considered more closely related to any other species in the genus Ulnaria and are therefore all recognised at the same rank, that of species. We briefly discuss five further taxa that involve the name Synedra splendens: Synedra splendens var. marina, Synedra splendens var. salina, Synedra splendens var. brevis, Synedra splendens var. subspathulata and Synedra (ulna var.) spathulifera.

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